Классика баз данных - статьи


Patricia G. Selinger, Morton M.

[SAC+79] Patricia G. Selinger, Morton M. Astrahan, Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond A. Lorie, and T.G. Price. Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1979 International Conference on Management of Data, pages 23–34, May 1979. Есть перевод на русский язык: П. Селинджер, М. Астрахан, Д. Чемберлин, Р. Лури, Т. Прайс. .

[SQL93a] SQL/DS. SQL/DS 3.4 General Information (GH09-8074). IBM Corp., 1993.

[SQL93b] SQL/DS. SQL/DS Performance Tuning Handbook (SH09-8111). IBM Corp., 1993.

[SSar] K.B. Schiefer and Arun Swami. On the Estimation of Join Result Sizes. In Extending Data Base Technology, March 1994 (to appear). An expanded version of this paper is available as IBM Research Report RJ9569, San Jose, CA, November 1993.

[TMG93] Bruce Tate, Tim Malkemus, and Terry Gray. Comprehensive Database Performance for OS/2 2.0 ES. Von Norstrand Reinhold, 1993. Available from IBM as G362-0012, ISBN 0-442-01325-6.

[TO91] Annie Tsang and Manfred Olschanowsky. A Study of Database 2 Customer Queries. Technical Report TR 03.413, Santa Teresa Laboratory, Bailey Road, San Jose, CA, April 1991.

[Wan92] Yun Wang. Experience from a Real Life Query Optimizer (foils only). In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1992 International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, CA, page 286, May 1992.

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