Классика баз данных - статьи


William R. Cook and Siddhartha

Morgan Kaufmann, January 2000.
  • William R. Cook and Siddhartha Rai. In ICSE '05: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, pages 97-106, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM Press.
  • Microsoft Corporation. The LINQ project.
  • Laurent Daynes. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Persistence and Java (PJW2), 1996.
  • Jacques-Antoine Dub, Rick Sapir, and Peter Purich. Oracle Application Server TopLink application developers guide, 10g (9.0.4). Oracle Corporation, 2003.
  • Michael J. Franklin, Bjorn Thor Jonsson, and Donald Kossmann. In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 149-160. ACM Press, 1996.
  • A. Gawecki and F. Matthes. In Malcom P. Atkinson and Ray Welland, editors, Fully Integrated Data Environments, ESPRIT Basic Research Series, pages 496-501. Springer Verlag, 2000.
  • C. Gould, Z. Su, and P. Devanbu. In Proceedings, 26th International Conference on Sofware Engineering (ICSE). IEEE Press, 2004.
  • Graham Hamilton and Rick Cattell. JDBCTM: A Java SQL API. Sun Microsystems, 1997.
  • Wook-Shin Han, Yang-Sae Moon, and Kyu-Young Whang. PrefetchGuide: capturing navigational access patterns for prefetching in client/server object-oriented/object-relational dbmss. Information Sciences, 152(1):47-61, 2003.
  • Hibernate reference documentation., May 2005.
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC. Information technology - database languages - SQL – part 5: Host language bindings (SQL/Bindings). Technical Report 9075-5-1999, IN-CITS/ISO/IEC, 1999.
  • ISO/IEC. Information technology - database languages - SQL - part 3: Call-level interface (SQL/CLI). Technical Report 9075-3:2003, ISO/IEC, 2003.
  • Mick Jordan. Technical Report TR-2004-136, Sun Microsystems, September 2004.
  • Mick Jordan and Malcolm P. Atkinson. Technical Report TR-2000-94, Sun Microsystems, September 2000.
  • B. Liskov, A. Adya, M. Castro, S. Ghemawat, R. Gruber, U. Maheshwari, A. C. Myers, M. Day, and L. Shrira. In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, pages 318-329.

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