SIGMOD Conference on Management of
[COPE84] Copeland, G. and Maier, D., "Making Smalltalk a Database System," Proc. 1984 ACM- SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Boston, Mass, июнь 1984.
[DADA86] Dadam, P. et. al., "A DBMS Prototype to Support Extended NF**2 Relations: An Integrated View of Flat Tables and Hierarchies," Proc. 1986 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Washington, DC, 1986.
[DATE84] Date, C., "A Critique of the SQL Database Language," ACM SIGMOD Record 14(3), ноябрь 1984.
[DATE86] Date, C., "An introduction to Database Systems," Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1986.
[DEWI90] Dewitt, D et. all., "A Study Of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems," ALTAR Technical Report 42-90, Le Chesnay, France, январь 1990.
[HAGM86] Hagmann, R. and Ferrari, D., "Performance Analysis of Several Back-End Database Architectures," ACM-TODS, март 1986.
[KIM90] Kim, W., "Research Direction in Object-oriented Databases," MCC Technical report ACT-OODS-013-90, MCC, Austin, Tx, январь 1990.
[LISK82] Liskov, B. and Scheifler, R., "Guardians and Actions: Linguistic Support for Robust Distributed Programs," Proc. 9th Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages, январь 1982.
[OSBO86] Osborne, S. and Heaven, T., "The Design of a Relational System with Abstract Data Types as Domains," ACM TODS, сентябрь 1986.
[ROWE79] Rowe, L. and Shoens, K., "Data Abstraction, Views and Updates in RIGEL," Proc. 1979 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Managenebt of Data, Boston, Mass, май 1979.
[ROWE90] Rowe, Lawrence, "The Design of PICASSO," (готовится к печати).
[STON75] Stonebraker, M., "Implementation of Integrity Constrains and Views by Query Modification," Proc. 1975 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, San Jose, май 1975.
[STON83] Stonebraker, M., "Document Processing in a Relational Database System," ACM TOOIS, апрель 1983.
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