Классика баз данных - статьи



1. Reed, D. Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized Computer System, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, September 1978.

2. Reed, D. Implementing atomic actions on decentralized data. ACM Trans. Comp. Syst. 1, 1 (Feb. 1983), 3-23.

3. Bayer, R., Heller, H., and Reiser, A. Parallelism and recovery in database systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5, 2 (June 1980), 139-156.

4. Weikum, G.,  Vossen, G. Transactional information systems. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.

5. Unland, R. Optimistic Concurrency Control Revisited. Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, 1994.

6. Bernstein, P. A., and N. Goodman. Multiversion concurrency control – theory and algorithms. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1983, Pages 465-483.

7. Bober, P.M., and  M.J. Carey. Multiversion Query Locking. Proceedings of the 18th VLDB Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1992.

8. Proskurnin, O. Concurrent Video: Versioning Concepts. Proceedings of the Spring Young Researcher’s Colloquium on Database and Information Systems SYRCoDIS, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2004.

9. Yakovlev, A. A Multi-Version Concurrency Control Model for Distributed Mobile Databases. Proceedings of the Spring Young Researcher’s Colloquium on Database and Information Systems SYRCoDIS, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2004.

10. Stearns, R. E., and Rosenkrantz, D. J. Distributed database concurrency control using before-values. In Proc. 1981 ACM SIGMOD Conf. Management of Data, ACM, New York, 1981, pp. 74-83.

11. Papadimitriou, C.  The theory of database concurrency control. Computer Science Press, 1986.

12. Hadzliacos. T. Serialization graph algorithms for multiversion concurrency control. Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, 1988. pp. 135-141.


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