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Massively parallel systems, rethinking computing

  • Gibbs, J. Massively parallel systems, rethinking computing for business and science. Oracle 6, 1 (Dec. 1991).

  • Graefe, G. Encapsulation of parallelism in the Volcano query processing system. In Proceedings of 1990 ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (May 1990).

  • Graefe, G., and Ward, K. Dynamic query evaluation plans. In Proceedings of the 1989 SIGMOD Conference, (Portland, Ore., June 1989).

  • Hirano, M.S. et al.Architecture of SDC, the super database computer. In Proceedings of JSPP"90. 1990.

  • Hua, K.A. and Lee, C. Handing data skew in multiprocessor database computers using partition tuning. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. (Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 1991).

  • Kitsuregawa, M., Tanaka H., and Moto-oka, T. Application of hash to data base machine and its architecture. New Generation Computing 1, 1 (1983).

  • Kitsuregawa, M., Yang, W., and Fushimi, S. Evaluation of 18-stage pipeline hardware sorter. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Data Engineering (Feb. 1987).

  • Kitsuregawa, M., and Ogawa, Y. A new parallel hash join method with robustness for data skew in super database computer (SDC). In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Internatial Conference on Very Large Data Bases. (Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 1990).

  • Lorie, R., Daudenarde, J., Hallmark, G., Stamos, J., and Young, H. Adding intra-transaction parallelism to an existing DBMS: Early experience. IEEE Data Engineering Newsletter 12, 1 (Mar. 1989).

  • Patterson, D.A., Gibson, G. and Katz, R.H. A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID). InProceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. (Chicago, May 1988).

  • Ries, D. and Epstein, R. Evaluation of distribution criteria for distributed database systems. UBC/ERL Technical Report M78/22, UC Berkeley, May 1978.

  • Salem, K. and Garcia-Molina, H. Disk-striping. Department of Computer Science, Princeton University Technical Report EEDS-TR-322-84, Princeton, N.J., Dec. 1984.

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