E.F.Codd, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", Communications ACM 13, 377 (июнь 1970). Есть русский перевод: Е.Ф.Кодд, , СУБД N1, 1995.
D.D.Chamberlin, R.F. Boyce, "SEQUEL : A Structured English Query Language", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, май 1974.
G.D.Held, M.R.Stonebraker, E.Wong, "INGRES : A Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
M.M.Zloof, "Query By Example", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
R.F.Boyce, D.D.Chamberlin, W.F.King, M.M.Hammer, "Specifying Queries as Relational Expressions: The SQUARE Data Sublanguage", Communications ACM 18, 621 ( Ноябрь 1975 ).
P.Reisner, R.F.Boyce, D.D.Chamberlin, "Human Factors Evaluation of Two Data Base Query Languages: SQUARE and SEQUEL", Proceedings of AFIPS National ComputerConference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
P.Reisner, "Use of Phychological Experimentation as an Aid to Development of a Query Language", Research Report RJ 1707, IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA, январь 1976.
M.M.Astrahan, et al., "System R: A Relational Approach to Data Base Management", ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems 1, 97 (июнь 1976).
E.F.Codd, "Normalized Data Base Structure: A Brief Tutorial", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, San Diego, CA, Ноябрь 1971.
R.Bayer, E.McCreight, "Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indices", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, Houston, TX, ноябрь 1970.
D.D.Chamberlin, J.N.Gray, L.L.Traiger, "Views, Authorization and Locking in a Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
P.P.Griffits, B.W.Wade, "An Authorization Mechanizm for a Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference, Washington, DC, июнь 1976.
K.P.Eswaran, D.D.Chamberlin, "Functional Specifications of a Sybsystem for Data Base Integrity", Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Framingham, MA, сентябрь 1975.
J.Mylopoulos, S.A.Schuster, D.Tsichrizis, "A Multi-level Relational System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.